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Cruise Travels on Royal Caribbean - Activities on Board

Royal Caribbean has a ship for everyone. We cruise Royal Caribbean because they have many outdoor adventures. Rock climbing, ice skating, zip-lining, miniature golf and Flowriding. My daughter is a Flowrider and we plan our vacations so she can Flowride.

Here are several pictures of her Flowriding. Flowriding is free to all guests

You ask, what is Flowriding, its stand up surfing or boogie boarding an a stationary wave.

Next to the Flowrider is a small miniature golf area and its free too all guests. Great fun for all ages.

Ice skating is available on certain days and times during your cruise. You will need long pants to participate. They will provide a helmet and skates.

On the Sports Deck you can zipline, which is free to all guests. The zipline is short, but a great view to the boardwalk below. You will need to wear closed toed shoes, with socks. All your clothes will need to be dry, since the flow rider is in the same area. All jewelry needs to be removed and nothing can be in your pockets.

Another activity you can participate in is rock climbing, which is free to all guests.

If you are concerned about what to do on a cruise. Royal Caribbean has many activities for all ages. Enjoy the fun!

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